Cool idea
Super cool idea. Can't wait to try it. Construction seems sturdy enough. Easy to take apart and put together.
The All-New Round Comb Frame - Double Decker
Maximize your honey yield and simplify production with the Round Comb Double Decker! This complete kit includes everything needed for round comb honey production, perfectly fitting into your standard full-depth super.
What’s Inside:
Ready to Harvest?
Once your round comb is ready for extraction, pair it with Ceracell containers and lids made to fit round combs perfectly. These make fantastic gifts for friends and family during the holiday season! Click here to view the product page.
Easy, Versatile Setup
One unit fits seamlessly into a full-depth super. For a full round-comb setup, simply use 8 units to fill a full-depth box. Or, mix round comb frames with standard frames to customize your honey production setup.
Why Invest in Round Comb?
Boost your honey value by up to 30%! Round comb honey is highly sought after, commanding a premium price both locally and internationally. Unlike traditional extraction methods, each comb stays in its white ring, sliding easily into Ceracell’s round comb jars – no need for costly extraction rooms or high contract extraction costs. Enjoy a clean, green, raw honey option that consumers love.
Transforming Honey Production
Ceracell’s innovative Round Comb Clip allows you to attach two comb frames without the need for custom supers or metal springs – all you need is a full-depth box, something every beekeeper has. This makes round comb honey affordable, commercial, and easy to produce.
Imagine presenting premium Round Comb Manuka, Rewarewa, or Clover honey, ready for your customers to enjoy. With Round Comb Honey, the possibilities are endless!
For more information, reach out to us at
Super cool idea. Can't wait to try it. Construction seems sturdy enough. Easy to take apart and put together.
Love this set up. Sturdy, bought Super Size can't wait to use them
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