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Events near you

Want to learn more about beekeeping? Why not attend an event or workshop?

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    Apimondia 2019 Montreal, Canada

    8 - 12th September 2019

    Apimondia is the International Federation of Beekeepers associations. Its major objective is facilitate the exchange of information and discussions by organizing congress and Symposia where beekeepers, scientists, honey traders, agents for development, technicians and legislators meet listen, discuss and learn from one another. Come visit us at the Apimondia conference held in Montreal Canada, we will be there showing off our great kiwi products to the world.

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    Apiculture NZ, Rotorua, 2019

    27th - 29th June 2019

    Ceracell will be at the next Apiculture Conference supporting the New Zealand beekeeping industry with our latest products. We will be giving advice and showing hobbyist and commercial beekeepers the best support we can.